- Review and comment on the Architect's details of the exterior facade including continuity of air, water and thermal properties, particularly at the interface of discrete building envelope systems.
- Analyze typical details for thermal performance, including condensation analysis, and determine R and U value of composite sections.
- Evaluate material selections and finishes, sealant detailing, and code considerations such as smoke/fire control at building envelope elements.
- Write or review technical specifications to establish appropriate performance criteria which account for building enclosure system tolerances, building frame movement and mechanical design/performance parameters.
- Advise on maintenance issues associated with the exterior wall, and incorporate building maintenance/window washing accommodations into the exterior enclosure.
- Establish code-based wind load requirements, or review and provide comment on wind tunnel studies.
Shop Drawings and Submittals
- Technical review and comments on contractor submittals to establish conformance with the design intent as set forth by the Contract Documents.
- Review system provisions for internal drainage of water infiltration, thermal movement, building deflections, construction tolerances, appropriate fastening devices, sealing methods, fire resistance, and other performance requirements.
- Review and comment on structural calculations submitted by subcontractor to support their design submittals.
- Structural review & interpretation of as-built conditions.
- Review and comment on contractor's job specific quality control checklist for shop assemblies and field installation.